Child Care
United child care center is accredited by:
NEW! CDC's Essentials for Parenting
A free, online resource developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Designed for parents of 2 to 4 year olds, Essentials for Parenting addresses common parenting challenges, like tantrums and whining. Positive parenting skills and techniques can reduce parenting stress and provide parents with ways to handle their child’s misbehavior. Skills focus on encouraging good behavior and decreasing misbehavior using proven strategies like positive communication, structure and rules, clear directions, and consistent discipline and consequences. Build the foundation of a positive parent-child relationship with Essentials for Parenting.
Essentials for Parenting includes:
Articles with a vairety of skills and tips
"Frequently Asked Questions" answered by parenting experts
Fun and engaging videos featuring parents, children, and parenting experts who demonstrate and discuss skills
Free print resources like chore charts and daily schedules